SAK design
Sjøhagen 3
4016 Stavanger
Simon: 901 30 608
Goedele: 954 53 340

Behind the initials SAK you will find the graphic designers Simon A. Kjær and Goedele Teirlinck (sometimes also Rufus, Pia & Isak).
SAK´s heuristic approach to the design process is supported by a thorough working methodology, which results in a range of sometimes enigmatic but never esoteric design outcomes. Our empirical nature is balanced by a genuine desire to understand the historical and contemporary theory that underpins the design process, this is reflected in our understanding of current design issues.
SAK design processes the mechanical skills to bring well developed, concepts to successful conclusions.
trykkSAK – our publishing company
Both Goedele & Simon have earned a BA (Hons) in Graphic Design from University of Hertfordshire in London and Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten in Antwerp. SAK design has been honoured with prizes by the organization Grafill, and is represented in the book Nordic Graphic Designers.